Virtual Calling Card

Virtual Calling Card

This service allows the subscriber making calls from any telephone to any number and the bill for these calls will be charged from the account indicated on the Virtual Calling Card (VCC), the system, which does not refer to the line from which the call is made. “Virtual Calling Card” works by the method of so called “Access Code”, the service access code. All calls with virtual telephone cards are preceded by the entrance of the access code. After dialing the access code the subscriber will be offered to dial the virtual card number, and after that the number of the desired subscriber.

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Yealink SIP-T28P

Yealink SIP-T28PIP Phone Yealink SIP-T28P has all the advantages of other devices from Yealink’s product range: convenient handset, the optimal angle of the screen, high-definition audio that meets IEEE1329 standards, ten additional programmable keys to automate most common actions and LED status indication of contacts whose numbers are set to speed dial.

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Singapore Scaffnet Pte Ltd

wholesale voice carrier working on quality based voice termination at competitive rates.

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