VDigit FZE Pakistan

Vdigit is a Wholesale Voip company having operations in Middle east , Pakistan and Singapore

Vdigit is a Wholesale Voip company having operations in Middle east , Pakistan and Singapore. We presently have over 150 interconnects across these geography with 10 Tier 1 interconnects and 22 PTT interconnects. We are presently terminating around 1.9 million minutes per day and covering Pak , Ind and BD as major destination. Email huma@vdigit.net

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Rating: 0/0.00/5

General office

VDigit FZE
BUR Dubai
Dubai ,42501

Phone: 923450173833
Site: http://www.vdigit.net
Contact Person

Huma Akram / Manager Commercial
Phone: 923450173833
  • wholesale VoIP
  • VoIP Service
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