Nextcarrier Telecom Corporation is an FCC 214 Licensed Carrier providing international, long distance services. We pride ourselves in maintaining and deploying quality products. Nextcarrier Telecom`s aim is clear: we create stable, reliable circuits for o
Nextcarrier Telecom Corporation is an FCC 214 Licensed Carrier providing international, long distance services. We pride ourselves in maintaining and deploying quality products. Nextcarrier Telecom`s aim is clear: we create stable, reliable circuits for origination and termination of international voice traffic.Nextcarrier Telecom understands the dynamic nature of networking. We rigiously test new solutions both onsite and in the field, work with vendors to create end-to-end standards for technology lifecyle management, and actively monitor all aspects of our infrastructure.Our primary POPs are located in premier telecom hotels in the United States and Europe.
Voiz Tel telecom in partnership with Voz Telecom, has provided a committed platform to the telecommunications industry within South Africa and internationally. This group consists of highly experienced engineers, that allows for more focus and less error
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