Instalamos centralitas VOIP que se integran con líneas analógicas, RDSI, móviles o VOIP consiguiendo el mejor precio posible en el gasto en telecomunicaciones.

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General office

Av de hytasa 38
Sevilla ,41006

Phone: +34954635547
Contact Person

Gabriel Pérez Curiel / Gerente
Phone: +34609318010
  • Hardware
  • Hosted PBX Service Provider
  • Voip consulting
  • Voip Termination ISP
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Providers in database: 6433
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SIP Softswitch

SIP SoftswitchIt is a device capturing and controling all the signals, which are being created by the whole system, especially the made and received phone call signals. The device is mostly used for connecting regular phone system with the Internet and backwards.

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France IPercom

IPercom installs, operates and maintains telecommunication services for International Carrier, VoIP Carrier, Pre Paid Operator.

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