Flashphoner Russia

Flashphoner Web Call Server - WebRTC Flash RTMFP SIP Gateway

Web Call Server – is a communication platform which enable audio video calls and instant messaging between web browsers and SIP, VoIP PBX, GSM gateways, and other SIP devices.

WCS is based on HTML5 Websockets, WebRTC, and Flash RTMFP technologies – the most advanced technologies for web calls.

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General office

st.Marksa b.1
Nsk ,630108

Phone: +74994033563
Site: http://flashphoner.com
  • Voip consulting
  • BYOD support
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Providers in database: 6433
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Routing Based on Skill Level

Routing Based on Skill Level The system of distributing calls to agents more suitable by competence, mainly used in call service centers. The necessity for this service arose due to the big amount of incoming calls and in order to cope with them better, all calls are sorted and directed to corresponding agents.

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Canada PIKA Technology

PIKA provides SIP VoIP gateways to SIP service providers. Reliable, extensive interoperability, low cost of ownership

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