Elmer Sinaza, sp z o.o. United Kingdom

Elmer Sinaza is a provider of TDM and VoIP phone calls. Using most recent technologies and extensive relations, Elmer Sinaza permits to cut the costs of phone calls considerably.

About us.

Elmer Sinaza is a provider of TDM and VoIP phone calls. Using most recent technologies and extensive relations, Elmer Sinaza permits to cut the costs of phone calls considerably.

Plans for the future.

An ambition of the Company management is further development of Elmer Sinaza as a leader in call termination and introduction of new innovative technologies. We are present in European market now. Our offices are in Poland, Spain and Great Britain. The next step of our development strategy is the presence in American market.


The Company employs the best employees: dynamic, young, well-educated and experienced ones who are fully devoted to the Company and shaping of its future.

Your rate:
Rating: 0/0.00/5

Elmer Sinaza, sp z o.o.
Szafera, 1/41
London ,WIF 8BH
United Kingdom

Phone: 0870 888 88 88
Site: http://www.elmersinaza.co.uk.
Contact Person

Robert Dobrzelewski / Business and technology manager
Phone: 34918497945
Phone: 34696234322
  • International VoIP Wholesale Provider
  • H.323 VoIP Gateway
  • Cisco Systems
  • Billing system of own development

Providers in database: 6433
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