Effectel Colombia

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General office

Carrera 13 No. 93 68
DC ,1111

Phone: 5716401344
Site: http://www.effectel.com
Contact Person

Carlos Linares / Tech manager
Phone: 5716401344
Phone: 573103155654
  • Internet Telephony Service Provider
  • Call Routing VoIP Solutions
  • SIP VoIP Gateway
  • System Integration
  • Cisco Systems
  • Quintum
  • VoiceMaster

Providers in database: 6433
Register VoIP Provider

Mobile Dialer

Mobile DialerA mobile dialer or a soft dialer is an application allowing the users of the cell phones to make VoIP calls via a mobile device with Internet connection. Such a thing of making call this way is called mVoIP or Mobile VoIP. This mobile dialer can be used by various companies trying to reduce the operational expenditures or by individual who just want to save extra money on the phone bills.

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United Kingdom Soho66

Soho66 is a Business VoIP provider who provide VoIP, Fax to Email and Mobile VoIP services

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