Camelot Telecom Cyprus

Camelot Telecom is one of the leading International Carriers in provision of voice services over Internet Protocol. We have Points of Presence and offices in Russia, CIS and Europe where our equipment is directly connected to networks of national PTTs and

Camelot Telecom is one of the leading International Carriers in provision of voice services over Internet Protocol. We have Points of Presence and offices in Russia, CIS and Europe where our equipment is directly connected to networks of national PTTs and biggest carriers of Traditional Telephony and VoIP services. It allows Camelot Telecom to operate of millions minutes per month of international traffic mostly to areas of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Cyprus, countries of East Europe and Mobile Networks of Europe and Asia. We have our own VoIP-traffic generated by calling cards, call shops, corporate, PC-to-Phone users and ITSPs from areas listed above which provide the telephony services in their places.Our network is permanently under development and expansion, that`s why we are looking for new carriers which can offer us quality connections, and good prices to keep routes on its best. We need to be able to pick the best carrier for every specific destination to originate our minutes.The main Points of Presence of our VoIP-network are located in Russia (Moscow), Cyprus (Nicosia), Germany (Frankfurt) and countries of CIS. But the coverage is much-wider because of Camelot Telecom has many interconnections via leased circuits from its main POPs to networks of terminated routes directly.Our nodes are located in our own offices or special co-location centers and built using a professional equipment of such vendors like Cisco Systems, Mera Networks, HP/Compaq, Intel etc. All the nodes are connected to Internet Network through high speed and reliable IP-channels provided by largest ISPs of the World. Network Operation Center consists of certified specialists who control a functionality of all parts of our VoIP-network 24 hours per day and 7 days per week. It helps Camelot Telecom to provide services with high quality and 99% of availability without any interruptions.World of Voice transmission is changing and Camelot Telecom becomes the strong player on the telecommunication market providing all modern ITSP-services with low costs and high quality to everyone from calling cards users to largest PTTs. Everyone and everywhere have to know that the World is more closer and reachable today. It`s so easy to call to any point of our Planet without any limits. Internet technologies help us to do it. Reach The World with us!

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General office

Camelot Telecom
3rd Floor, 57 Digenis Akrita Ave.,1070, Nicosia, Cyprus

Phone: +357 2236 1716
Contact Person

Elena Levenstam / Account Manager
Phone: +357 2236 1716
  • International VoIP Wholesale Provider
  • Internet Telephony Service Provider
  • Voip Termination ISP
  • Termination
  • Cisco Systems
  • Mera
  • Billing system of own development

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