Call 2 Phone UK Ltd United Kingdom



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General office

Call 2 Phone UK Ltd
Unit 58 Cariocca Business Park
Manchester ,M40 8BB
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 161 202 5556
Phone: +44 776 610 0445
Contact Person

Manie Iqbal / Director
Phone: +44 161 202 5556
Phone: +44 776 610 0445
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Echo cancellation module VPMADT032

Echo cancellation module VPMADT032VPMADT032 echo cancellation module is meant to be used with the Digium IP telephony boards; it provides echo cancellation for configurable long "tail" of up to 128 ms (1024 samples) simultaneously for all ports of the board. All IP-PBX Asterisk servers, connected to the telephone network (PSTN) have one common problem, which is "hybrid echo" - echo obtained due to the difference in the load-wire and four-wire telephone circuits. Echo appears as a distorted reflection and a detainee of the caller's voice, who is subscribed to IP-PBX Asterisk while talking to PSTN subscribers.

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Taiwan Mototech Inc.

Mototech is a global ODM specialist in the broadband and data networking market. Founded in 1988, the company has deployed millions of networking devices worldwide. Mototech's headquarter is located in Taiwan's Science-based Industrial Park in Hsinchu, Ta

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