Augicom SA Switzerland

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General office

Augicom SA
4, rue du Tir-au-Canon
Geneve ,1227

Phone: 41223011600
  • International VoIP Wholesale Provider
  • SIP Billing
  • VoIP Billing Software Provider
  • Voip consulting
  • Billing Software
  • Collaboration
  • Consultancy Services
  • Installation and Support Services
  • SIP Softswitch & CPE
  • SIP VoIP Gateway
  • System Integration
  • Cisco Systems
  • Quintum
  • another
  • Billing system of own development

Providers in database: 6433
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Choosing the VoIP provider for your Call Shop business

Choosing the VoIP provider for your Call Shop businessVoice of IP of VoIP technology, is the one which completely changed the telecommunications market by transmitting voice over the Internet. During past several years it expanded in such a way that right now it covers each and every corner of the world and it became the new standard of telecommunication. Nowadays there are plenty of companies offering different kinds of services and devices.

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