Adiptel (Advento Networks) Spain

...Advento Networks es una compa

...Advento Networks es una compa

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Rating: 0/0.00/5

General office

Adiptel (Advento Networks)
Pso. Delicias, 30 5ª plta
Madrid ,28045

Phone: +34 91 530 01 45
Contact Person

Francisco Ballesta / Manager Services IP (Telephony IP)
Phone: +34 91 530 01 45
  • Internet Telephony Service Provider
  • Voip Termination ISP
  • Call Relay VoIP Solutions
  • Fax To Fax
  • H.323 VoIP Gateway
  • SIP VoIP Gateway
  • Vegastream
  • Billing system of own development

Providers in database: 6433
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GreetingsGreeting - the caller will hear a greeting during the call. The function can be met, when calling to different companies, in most cases after the greeting follows a request, to which department or person the call has to be directed to.

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Nextcarrier Telecom Corporation is an FCC 214 Licensed Carrier providing international, long distance services. We pride ourselves in maintaining and deploying quality products. Nextcarrier Telecom`s aim is clear: we create stable, reliable circuits for o

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