5th digit Net Ltd Cyprus

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General office

5th digit Net Ltd
PO BOX 27741

Phone: +30 210 7247 013
  • International VoIP Wholesale Provider
  • Termination
  • Cisco Systems
  • Billing system of own development

Providers in database: 6433
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Skype for iPad

Skype for iPadSkype for iPad is perfectly designed and optimized precisely for that device. It offers the best of both worlds for users who want to make greater use of Skype on the go. Big screen of iPad is perfect for Skype video calls and it supports both horizontal and vertical orientation. And since we are dealing with IPad, Skype video calls can be made on the beach, in the car or even lying on the couch.

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Hong Kong IPtelservices

Cloud-based Unified Communications Service Provider, Hardware, Hosted VoIP billing service provider, Incumbent PTT, International VoIP Wholesale Provider, Internet Telephony Service Provider, Internet VoIP and Video Conferencing Service Provider, Network

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