2telcom Lebanon

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General office

Ras Bierut Manara


Phone: +963-934-219-20
Contact Person

Noor Hijazi / Director
Phone: +963-934-219-20
  • International VoIP Wholesale Provider
  • Termination
  • Quintum
  • VoiceMaster

Providers in database: 6433
Register VoIP Provider

Sangoma Vega 100

Sangoma Vega 100Vega 100 is a new type of VoIP gateway, providing its users with flexibility in meeting business requirements for capacity, deployment, compatibility, and development in the future. Unlike competing products, this gateway provides maximum throughput - up to 30 channels for all supported VoIP calls without compromising the quality of services. Installation of Vega 100 does not interfere with the rest of the hardware and is completely transparent to end users.

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United States Jade Telecom

Jade Telecom is the world`s best Internet Applications Service Provider. By taking advantage of dialup and high-speed Internet connections, Jade Telecom is able to offer a complete voice service that is affordable, easy to use, and secure. Jade Telecom ha

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