1VOC Seychelles

residential, business and mobile voip at the lowest rates

residential, business and mobile internet telephony worldwide, the lowest rates

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Rating: 0/0.00/5

General office

Victoria House
Mahe ,0000

Phone: 2484289200
Site: http://1voc.com
Contact Person

paul foreman / office manager
Phone: 447005980602
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SIP Communications of Real Time

SIP Communications of Real TimeObviously SIP is considerably better than H.323 and complies with the understanding of IP-telephony as a global mass IP-service, and it should be implicitly considered right this way. And as SIP is able to serve not only telephony but also any communications at all in the real time over the IP-protocol; obviously it should become a base for other IP-services not yet existing but will appear in the future, as well.

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