VOIP Service Providers Residential


Callshop Africa

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Niger / Niamey / Avda. Dr. Severo Ochoa 47, 2?? PAE Casablanca II, 28100 Alcobendas, Madrid (Spain)
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ITD Niger

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Niger / - / -
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Providers in database: 6433
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Matrix SETU VGFX8422

Matrix SETU VGFX8422Matrix SETU VGFX is a powerful gateway that supports classic telephony networks, GSM-services, and VoIP-telephony. Matrix SETU VGFX provides intelligent routing of incoming and outgoing calls between different networks, and does it in such a way to ensure the minimum cost of connection.

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Macedonia WebCalls4You

WebCalls4You is a PC to Phone service created and run by a Macedonian company. WebCalls4You is dedicated to providing high quality internet phone calls for very low prices. We use the very latest technology in our web dialler and utilise our parent compan

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