VOIP Service Providers Residential


Globex Communications

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Kyrgyzstan / Bishkek / Moscow St.
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Kyrgyzstan / Bishkek / Bishkek
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Icewood secondary

Our company offers the high quality VoIP routes on contractual prices. "Icewood Network" - it`s one of basic suppliers of high quality VoIP services for any clients from any point of the world. We are interested in increasing of a circle of our partners a

Kyrgyzstan / Bishkek / ul. Toktogula 53
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Providers in database: 6433
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3-Way Calling

3-Way Calling This is a conference which can be initiated from every VoIP telephone. The service is fully administered with the help of a telephone set.

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Hong Kong Telip co Limited

Telip is one of the leading VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Service Provider specialising in Internet
Telephony Solutions for businesses and end User.

Telip, which is identified as an IP company has as its nerve centre a SIP protocol connection

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