VOIP Service Providers Residential


Vox Mundi

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Croatia / Samobor / V. Bukovca 20
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Vodatel d.o.o.


Vodatel je poduze

Croatia / Zagreb / Savska 66
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Providers in database: 6433
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AltiGen iFusion SmartStation AP300 for iPhone (Black)

AltiGen iFusion SmartStation AP300 for iPhone (Black)AltiGen iFusion SmartStation AP300 Black is an unusual gadget for Apple iPhone. It is a landline phone with the ability to connect your device to iPhone. The device has a wide range of functions, including the ability to act as a Bluetooth-Speaker for iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4 and 4S.

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United States SRR Technologies

SRR Technologies is the first of it''s kind SIP VoIP consolidated solutions system and services.
Pricing Starting at:
$ 99.99 a port
$ 1.99 a phone number
$ 0.99 per inbound voice circuit from the carrier

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