E911 Support

E911 Support

Is the support for the users of cell phones, allows dialing 911, a standard number for requesting help in situations of emergency. One can also take into account that cell users are mobile; the system allows the emergency services to find your location.

Providers in database: 6433
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Where is PBX used?

Where is PBX used?Introduction Those businesses who are a bit out of date when it comes to technology may very well be wondering if a PBX system is right for them. However, the question remains—what kind of companies actually use PBX, and why do PBX systems work for their industry? The idea of researching business telephone systems can be quite daunting at first, but with a little bit of insight, you will undoubtedly make the right decision.

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Costa Rica Crexpedio.com

Crexpedio.com provides responsible technical assistance and service on enterprise level systems in Costa Rica.
We currently do ITFS in S America,N America Mexico, US and Canada alongside our strategic partners for Europe and Asia.

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