Caller ID

Caller ID

A telephone service available both in digital and analogue systems allows displaying a number of the calling subscriber on the display. And where it is possible the caller’s name can be also lighted up.

Providers in database: 6433
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External/Internal Transfer

External/Internal Transfer The external call transfer – is the call transfer to a telephone line other than the company’s telephone line. The internal call transfer – the transfer of an incoming call to another addressee registered on the same telephone line.

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United States KALLMART, LLC

Bosnia and Herzegovina Mobile - Mostar US$ 0.1846 /Min 38.89 % 2.73 MIN
Burkina Faso Mobile - Telmob US$ 0.1794 /Min 56.45 % 1.65 MIN
Burkina Faso Mobile - Telmob US$ 0.1794 /Min 56.45 % 1.65 MIN
CHILE CELLULAR US$ 0.0345 /Min 12.85 % 1.51 MIN

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