Caller ID

Caller ID

A telephone service available both in digital and analogue systems allows displaying a number of the calling subscriber on the display. And where it is possible the caller’s name can be also lighted up.

Providers in database: 6433
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Mobile Phone/Desk Phone Integration

Mobile Phone/Desk Phone Integration Integration of the phone set (cell or land line) into the company phone system. For instance, if it is impossible to find a person by the office phone, then with the help of the integrated cell phone one can set a call redirection to a cell or another telephone number, in case if that telephone is also unavailable the call will be redirected to a voice mail.

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Canada CallBlue

CallBlue is a long distance phone carrier providing domestic and international long distance, international dialing custom integrated Internet-based VOIP communication services, based on proprietary technology. Our services can be accessed via web browser

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