Caller ID

Caller ID

A telephone service available both in digital and analogue systems allows displaying a number of the calling subscriber on the display. And where it is possible the caller’s name can be also lighted up.

Providers in database: 6433
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Quintum AFT800

Quintum AFT800Unified solution Quintum AFT800 integrates in itself a gateway, a gatekeeper, and intelligent call routing, Quality of Service (QoS). Tenor device has to be connected to the data network via the Ethernet 10/100 port, to the telephone network through a PBX or to the public switched telephone network (PSTN).

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Singapore TeleAlpha Pte Ltd

TeleAlpha Pte Ltd is a Singapore Service-Based Operator (SBO).We are focus on the VoIP voice Service. Both Wholesale & Retail.

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