7, 10 and 11 digit dialling

7, 10 and 11 digit dialling

Оne of the most popular number dialling types in the USA and Canada is 10 digit dialling, which represents itself a code of addressee’s location and directly the very number of the addressee.

Sometimes there is number 1 at the beginning of the set; this method is called 11 digit dialling. In this case number 1 is the code of the addressee’s country. 7 digit dialling is used in case if the addressee is situated by the same location code as the caller

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Click to Call Me

Click to Call MeThe service often seen at different sites works in such a way that you need to enter your telephone number in a special window and after some seconds you and the company representative will receive a call, which will allow you communicating.

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Leotel is a global Internet Telephony provider that delivers state-of-the-art voice over internet protocol (VoIP) application.

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