ZipGlobal United States

Headquartered in Quincy, Massachusetts, ZipGlobal is a privately held company and seeks to distinguish itself in the digital telephony services market from its competitors by always remembering the key is to think like our customers. Our users want the lo

It`s our pleasure - To introduce ZipGlobal, a new provider of next-generation telecommunication solutions for your local and international calling needs. ZipGlobal`s mission is to localize global communications by seamlessly integrating the best of local and long-distance telecommunications to meet your needs. We bring you the cost saving benefits of local rates to long distance calling from anywhere in the world. And we also offer you the forward-thinking VoIP telephony features that fit your mobile lifestyle as your international calling needs expand and evolve.Headquartered in Quincy, Massachusetts, ZipGlobal is a privately held company and seeks to distinguish itself in the digital telephony services market from its competitors by always remembering the key is to think like our customers. Our users want the lowest rates with the highest quality of service. Our users want ease of use and no hassle setup with the freedom to roam and use services from anywhere in the world. Our users hate highway robbery roaming fees and they hate hidden charges.

Your rate:
Rating: 0/0.00/5

General office

219 Quincy Ave
MA ,2169
United States

Phone: +1 (617) 786-0909
Contact Person

Sissi Liu / VP Business Strategy
Phone: +1 (617) 786-0909
  • Internet Telephony Service Provider
  • Installation and Support Services
  • IP devices
  • Phone To Phone
  • SIP VoIP Gateway
  • Termination
  • Welltech
  • another

Providers in database: 6433
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Rejection from iPhone Appstore and Dispute between AT&T — About Google Call Blocking

Rejection from iPhone Appstore and Dispute between AT&T — About Google Call Blocking Because Google Voice provides such a competitive and feature-rich service that not only includes free VoIP and SIP calls across North America and internationally at fantastic rates, in addition to a huge range of services such as voicemail, conference calls and voice transcription, it was inevitable that since its inception it would attract the ire of other competitors who would block it, or sue in courts to have the government legislate against it.

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France Eone Telecom

Eone Telecom is a french company located in Paris.Based on a 5-years experience with VoIP, carrier trading systems, call-shop infrastructures and pre-paid cards combined with an expertise with web interfaces, Eone can now deliver a completly automated (on

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