Lisvex Inc. Armenia

Company Lisvex Inc. has been working in the sphere of telecommunications since 2005. Lisvex Inc. is regarded as one of the most dynamically developed companies in Armenia, providing its customers with qualified services, increasing in number and volume

Company Lisvex Inc. has been working in the sphere of telecommunications since 2005. Lisvex Inc. is regarded as one of the most dynamically developed companies in Armenia, providing its customers with qualified services, increasing in number and volume. We presently are specializing in two spheres: providing different companies and our end-users with connections to fixed and mobile operators worldwide.

Among above-mentioned spheres, we also implement development policy, contribute to the increase of different services provided, maintain high quality service, as well as offer our customers the opportunity to use billing systems based on advanced software technologies. This is the most important optimizing factor in cooperation making it easier for both the customer and the provider to deal with each other. Our Service Center is located in Yerevan city, the capital of the Republic of Armenia, where the department deals with commercial and technical matters. Due to acquired confidence and work experience we are already known as a reliable provider and permanent partner. We have POPs located in different countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Germany and Czech Republic. Types of services provided are:

*International WholeSale VoIP
*Phone to Phone (PTP)
*PC to Phone (PCTP)
*SIP-H323, H323-SIP converting
*VoIP equipments provision ,consult, support and configuration
*Equipment type: Mera SoftSwitch, Cisco Products, Quintum, AddPac, 2N

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General office

Lisvex Inc.

Phone: 37410 547324
  • International VoIP Wholesale Provider
  • Network Service Provider
  • Voip consulting
  • Voip Termination ISP
  • Wireless Broadband
  • Partnering for Origination and Termination
  • Phone To PC
  • Phone To Phone
  • Termination
  • Audiocodes
  • Mera
  • Java Based own system

Providers in database: 6433
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IP DECT RTX 8630This equipment is designed to adapt DECT wireless technology to the interfaces of IP-telephony. Use of this product allows you to organize a wireless communication network, which can contain up to several dozens of base exchanges. Furthermore, the RTX 8630 model can aggregate into a network of up to six repeaters and provide so much breadth of coverage areas without fading. To do this, the device is equipped with two internal Omni-directional antennas.

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