DigiLinea Mexico

DigiLinea is focused uniquely on the US Hispanic and Latin American markets and is vertically integrated into many countries in Latin America as DigiLinea owns local telecom licenses. This vertical integration allows DigiLinea to provide local Latin Ameri

DigiLinea is the leading VoIP service provider to the US Hispanic and Latin American markets. DigiLinea has been recognized as a VoIP pioneer as part of the 2004 and 2005 Pulver 100 and as one of Internet Telephony s VoIP Service Providers of the Year.

DigiLinea is focused uniquely on the US Hispanic and Latin American markets and is vertically integrated into many countries in Latin America as DigiLinea owns local telecom licenses. This vertical integration allows DigiLinea to provide local Latin American telephone numbers and lower cost calling then other providers to our US Hispanic clients. DigiLinea currently provides service to thousands of US Hispanic and Latin American clients, who take advantage of the DigiLinea VoIP service experiencing substantial savings over traditional offerings. DigiLinea is a closely held private company with offices in the US and Latin America.

Your rate:
Rating: 0/0.00/5

Frontera No. 217 Col. Roma 6700 Ciudad de Mexico, Distrito Federal
mexico ,6700

Phone: 55 5584-9899
Phone: 55 5584-9899
Site: http://www.digilinea.com
Contact Person

Fabio Maga?a / atencion al cliente
Phone: 503 2243 2683
  • International VoIP Wholesale Provider
  • IP devices
  • Phone To Phone
  • SIP VoIP Gateway
  • Cisco Systems
  • IP Phone

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Siemens Gigaset S670, S675 and S675 IP

Siemens Gigaset S670, S675 and S675 IPSiemens Gigaset phones are wireless DECT phones with enlarged backlit display (supports up to 65,000 colors), a set of easy-access buttons, intuitive menus and excellent sound transmission. Gigaset S675 IP model offers new capabilities of inexpensive Internet telephony.

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India AoneVoice

Core Features of AoneVoice SoftSwitch:

* Quickest Call Connectivity
* Codec Transcoding
* Custom Web Interface
* Balance and Remaining Minutes IVR
* Refill History
* Unique Routing settings.
* Unlimited Reseller Levels
* Option for billed/free i

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